Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Soldier questions Obama's eligibility as president and commander and chief

This guy should be court-martialed for mutiny as of fucking yesterday. This is so against the UCMJ on a whole number of levels not to mention totally offensive. Its one thing to disagree politically, it's a whole other to reject your commander-in-chief out of hand. It is easily mutiny and possibly could be qualified as an attempted coup. Not to mention breaking a whole pile of laws regarding conduct of an officer.

This shit makes me so mad - nothing to do with my opinions of Obama, mind you. It's this guys conduct. Seeing people who are supposedly so patriotic and 'doing their duty' completely break ranks and violate every standard of conduct they are supposedly trying to uphold. It's disgusting and this guy should be thrown in the brig.

Just in case you guys are unfamiliar with the Uniform Code of Military Justice, this gentleman is in clear violation of Article 88:
Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

He's also most likely in violation of Article 94 (Mutiny and sedition), Article 133 (Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman), AND Article 134 (Disloyal statements). And for the record, I am not an expert in the UCMJ (although I did study it quite a bit in school while working towards a minor in law), and I am NOT at present a member of the military and as such can spout my opinion all over the damn place.

I'd like to hear what you guys think (even if you disagree with me) because the subject of whether this guy's argument is legit or not is interesting, but how do you feel about the conduct of officers in the political arena?

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