Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Liveblogging from the Active Shooter Excersize

Given the high stress environment we operate in, the idea of a shooter on campus is, sadly, not to hard to believe. If you check the Bears Head - the school's students only message board - there's even a thread about likely shooters. Theyve been holding "training sessions" for this for over a week now, and I was awoken from my nap for this.

I didnt sleep last night (yeah, I know, big surprise), so at a quarter to 11 I hunkered down on one of the way too comfortable sofas in the TV room of the student center for a nap until work started. 1 rolls around, and i'm awoken to "Who wants to die?"

Kind of jarring. Except the excersize hadnt started yet. it was the make-up girl prepping victims for th4e excersize. I almost got drafted - pardon, voluntold - into participating, but luckily my buddy Sean had a nice hideyhole (The AS office) and we're hunkering down until the whole business is over and the place isnt covered with extras from a zombie film and Ron Miller isnt shooting a cap gun all over the place and ruining our depeche mode fest.

I'll say this: A campus shooting is a horrible, disgusting, awful thing. It shouldnt be glorified. And honestly, no matter how much you prep for a disaster, when shit goes down -

Oh, hey, the cops are shouting "GET DOWN" and this shit is going down, y'all, right outside the AS window...or not, the cop backed off. Nice shotgun though!

- er, as I was saying, when the shit goes down, it's pandemonium. Because you can't train everyone not to panic. Life does not go according to plan. Shit hitting the fan is called that for a reason. Chuck, one of our veterean security guards, said it best: The only thing you can do is go for cover.

Stay safe and stay out of the way if something happens on your campus. Get you and whoever is with you to a safe spot, get some cover, and stay there until the all clear.

0211 yup, the door is locked. no we are not coming out. Quit fucking with our depeche mode guys.

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