Friday, March 14, 2008


It's been a hard day. You guys know the kind I'm talking about; the kind where everything feels like its falling to pieces and you want to burst into tears at the drop of a hat, but you keep going anyway, you tough it out and you man up because shit has to get done.

There have been a lot of days like those lately for a lot of us. I hope we all find the strength to endure our trials and to kick ass and take names the way the good lord intended.

If you're the religious type, say a prayer for the folks you know - and those you dont - who are going through a rough time right now. Say one for the men and women in harm's way - combatants and civilians alike. Give thanks for the people in your life who make it worth it.

For the non-religious types, keep those same folks in your thoughts.

And if you can, put your thoughts into action, and do some good for someone around you. Spare some change - those quarters are just going to sit in your pocket any how. Say something nice, give a hug, help someone out. We all need it sometimes, but most of us are too proud to say that we do. Charity isn't about doing something because you feel bad about the situation someone is in. Helping people is what you do because it's the right thing. No reward necessary.

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