Sunday, April 6, 2008

Best Laid Plans Set Aside

I told myself I wouldn't do any more knitting until I finished the papers I have due this week, but I lied.

I did the toe and the first repeat for the second of my Red Dwarf socks and I spent all night working on a pattern for some stranded socks. This was a total waste of time I could have spent writing a past-due paper for Dr Lynch's history class, but honest you guys, I didn't realize it was 5am until I looked down at the clock and giant exclamation points appeared over my head Sims-style. I started the toe of my sock only to realize that I had forgotten to put the hank into a ball. This is more annoying than anything else but really not that big of a deal. Chances are that I will finish the toe and put the project aside until after graduation, since it requires tweaking and color work isn't at all conducive to traveling.

I'm setting aside the knitting (for real!) to do some more packing and work on those pesky papers.

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